
Free Nextel Cell Phones

Nextel Cell Phone DealsNextel is the nation's leading walkie talkie cell phone provider. Get the Nextel Direct Connect & Group Connect Services function with any Nextel cell phone. Order your free Nextel cell phone with new Nextel cell phone plan or upgrade with contract extension and be connected instantly!

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    Nextel is well-known for the walkie-talkie or push-to-talk features that it offers on every cell phones. You can instantly connect with the world's largest walkie-talkie network, including over 17 million people, at the push of a button. Talk to Nextel customer any nationwide from coast to coas, and internationally between the U.S. and up to five countries. Best of all, most of the plans gives you unlimited walkie-talkie minutes. So, what are you waiting for. Get free Nextel phones today with FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING!

    Free Upgrade

    Contract extension (also known as upgrade) is the best way to get a great deal on a new phone without switching carriers. Learn more >

    Number Portability

    Switch carriers & keep your number. Port your existing number to a new cell phone online in minutes. Learn more >