
Free MP3 Phones

MP3 Phone DealsTalk on the phone or listen to your favorite MP3 songs in one single device. Choose from the popular LG Vu, Samsung Instinct, BlackBerry Curve, or Apple iPhone. Cell phones with built-in MP3 players are gaining popularity. Get your FREE MP3 music phone today and save!

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MP3 cell phone, referring to cellular phone that has built-in MP3 music player, combines MP3 player features and cell phone capabilities into one compact device. How to find a good MP3 cell phone? There are two major things that you need to look at. First thing is to get a MP3 phone that has big internal memory space or at least a memory expansion slot so that you could load as many songs as you want on the phone. Second thing is always pick cell phone that supports A2DP (Stereo Bluetooth Sound Output) profile to pair with your wireless headset, so that you can enjoy the highest quality of sound from your phone. If you do want to get a cell phone with MP3 music player, you can compare and shop free MP3 music phones here at SelectiveMobile.com.

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